You need to care for complete and partial dentures as carefully as you would look after natural teeth.

  • Clean them every day.

Plaque and tartar can build up on false teeth, just like they do on natural teeth.

  • Take them out every night.

Brush your teeth and gums carefully, using a soft toothbrush. Be sure to clean and massage your gums. If your toothbrush hurts you, run it under warm water to make it softer or try using a finger wrapped in a clean, damp cloth.

  • Soak them overnight.

They can be soaked in a special cleaner for false teeth (denture cleanser), in warm water or in a mix of warm water and vinegar (half and half). If your denture has metal clasps, use warm water only for soaking. Soaking will loosen plaque and tartar. They will then come off more easily when you brush. 

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