
If a tooth is lost, it is important to replace it with a false (or artificial) tooth as soon as possible. This procedure will prevent your remaining teeth from drifting out of line and causing other problems.

A bridge is also called a "fixed bridge" or a "fixed partial denture." A bridge can replace one or more missing teeth and is held firmly in place by healthy teeth on each side of the missing one(s). You cannot take a bridge out. It is permanent.

How a Bridge is Made:

Step 1. The teeth on each side of the missing one(s) are prepared for crowns.

Step 2. The false tooth (or teeth) and two crowns are custom-made in a dental lab as one piece.

Step 3. The unit is placed in your mouth. The crowns are cemented to your two healthy teeth on each side of the missing one(s).A bridge should last for about 10 years, if you take good care of it. Your dentist will show you how to use a floss threader to floss under and around the false tooth (or teeth) in the middle of the bridge.